ahead of the foundation work
and building construction.
Once finished, it will start the
electrical work; placing trans-
formers underground and re-
assembling the Machine Shop.
Because of its location on a
designated heritage site, next
to Toronto’s landmark Round-
house building, special con-
sideration must be made dur-
ing construction. For instance,
the Machine Shop, which was
historically used for repairing
rail cars, has been taken apart
brick by brick to build the sta-
tion. It will be reassembled to
appear exactly as it was once
the station is complete.
The Machine Shop will house
the protection, control and
station service equipment,
while the major equipment
cabling, etc.) will be housed
below. Electrical supply for
the station will be provided
from Hydro One’s transmis-
sion tunnel, which is locat-
ed under Front Street. From
the intersection of Front and
Lower Simcoe Streets, cables
will be routed via a new 600
metre long underground cable
tunnel, located 30 metres be-
low ground to the new sta-
tion, where the voltages will
be reduced for distribution
to customers in the area. The
new station is expected to be
complete by the end of 2014.
“We have a very ambitious
schedule,” Odell added.
“We’ve cleared approvals,
worked collaboratively with
our neighbours, addressed our
heritage requirements, and
secured funding. Now, it’s all
about building the project,
building it safely and execut-
ing on budget and on time.”
JULY 2013
business elite canada