business elite canada
The drilling industry in Canada provides fierce competition.
Mineral exploration rises and falls according to commodity
prices, and when the prices are high there comes an in-
crease in drilling companies who want to succeed in Can-
ada’s harsh geological climate. Walker Drilling is one such
company that sets itself apart in the industry because of its
diversity of services. Located in Utopia, Ontario, the com-
pany boasts 14 operating drill rigs and has an abundance of
projects under its belt.
Established in 2002 by owner and President Dave Walker,
the company was built from the ground up to be different
than others in the drilling industry. Prior to starting his own
company, Dave worked for another drilling firm in Toronto
for 11 years where he got a taste of the industries ups and
downs. Because of the hit in the mining business in recent
times that caused the industry to be at an all-time low, the
drilling industry is, consequently, affected and business has
“The mining sector is dead right now and we do a lot of
work with the mining industry with our remote access
equipment and none of that work’s happening right now,”
says Dave. “That’s one part of our market that’s non-existent
right now.”