business elite canada
particularly in Little Jack Fish
river just north of Armstrong,
Ontario, which was especially
draining since they had to stay
at a base camp and air-lift all
materials to the work site.
The company’s portfolio con-
sists of three types of drilling
services. Diamond drilling is
rock drilling for precious met-
als and used for exploratory
work. They cater to clients
who are looking to get certain
information from the ground
and look to this specific drill-
ing method to do so. Geotech-
nical drilling is based on soil
testing, from anywhere be-
tween 5ft – 250ft and is used
for foundation design, build-
ing structures, homes and
roads. Lastly, Environmental
drilling is also used to test soil
after samples are taken by the
engineer to test for contami-
nation in the soil or water.
To per form the arduous tasks
outlined by the oil and gas
industry, it is important for
the business to only use top
of the line, quality equipment
and products, to ensure a job
well done. “All our equipment
is newer, modern. [It] can get
expensive but it’s an invest-
ment at the end of the day,”
says Dave.
The business heavily empha-
sizes its extensive safety mea-
sures to guarantee that any
project is handled with me-
ticulous care and diligence.
The company abides strongly
by the OHSA (Occupational
Health and Safety Act) and