business elite canada
Columbia and Calgary, Alberta and US offices
located at all the major airline hubs, includ-
ing New York, Chicago, Miami and Atlanta. The
portfolio of airlines represented by Airline Ser-
vices enables the company to provide service to
all major gateways throughout the Globe with
a combination of Passenger & All Freighter Air-
craft with most of the airlines operating newer
generation aircraft with increased capacity and
the ability to fly further. Airline Services there-
fore is the only General Sales Agent with direct
non stop service to Africa via Addis Abbaba.
Despite the growth, Lawrence is cautious of
the current economic landscape.
“The last couple years have been tough on
the airline industry,” said Lawrence. “The econ-
omy in 2014, as much as they say it is improv-
ing, it is still far from getting back to the volume
we have seen in previous years.”
So when the market is being crowded by
more airlines, with larger aircraft and increased
frequency it impacts the airline that is trying
to maintain yield, provide a reliable service
and more importantly be a viable operator.
have certainly seen our share of airlines going