business elite canada
outdoor toilets— which provide nothing short
of a vital service, particularly in harsh climates
exceeding below 40 degrees Celsius in some
regions of Canada.
“We have an excellent reputation that comes
from the quality of our completed projects and
the capacity to fulfill the customer’s specific
needs,” said Stephane Dufresne, Vice-Presi-
dent of Sales and Marketing and in charge of
business development for the company.
Dufresne joined RG Solution in 2009 after
working for two large corporations, Procter and
Gamble, and Mars Canada, for close to two
decades in sales and marketing. He shares co-
ownership with company founder, Labrecque
who is general manager and also responsible
for production, and Martin Lagace, who is CFO
and also taking care of general administration
duties such as accounting, legal matters, hu-
man resources and engineering.
Meeting this industry need with expertise in
the toilet industry, or self-contained sanitary
units has helped to set RG Solution apart from
the competition in terms of its capacity for in-
novation. While it may seem funny to some, it
is no laughing matter when it means living and
working in a cold weather building that cannot
endure the trying extremes of Canadian cli-
mate. Their latest innovation is a small 4’x5’
self-contained toilet with stainless steel sink
with heated water to wash your hands, mirror,
ventilation to eliminate unpleasant odor and
a unit that maintains 20 degrees Celsius while
minus 45 degrees Celsius outside. This new
unit is meant to be an alternative to chemical
toilets. They can also come on a custom built
trailer and can even offer solar power for cer-
tain applications.
“There’s some units in the U.S. and in Can-
ada, but none of what we’ve seen in this size
performs in the cold that we have here in Can-