RG Solution - page 8

business elite canada
ing to final installation site modules that have
rooms finished or partially finished, with floor-
ing, furniture, blinds and much more while al-
ways maintaining its quality commitment. For
their customers, this represents multiple ben-
efits such as time saving on their project sched-
uling, guaranteed quality and more.
At the time of building the new facility RG
Solution worked hard to establish a green ap-
proach of sustainable development. The con-
crete steps the company has made to mini-
mize negative impacts on the environment
include installing a wood-burning system in
its new plant, a hot air recovery system, use
of reclaimed wood as fuel, an automated en-
ergy consumption system, and an adoption of
a standard program for sustainable develop-
ment. Staying ahead of current trends in inno-
vative building solutions suited to meet mod-
ern changes to the workplace culture led to RG
Solution’s unique concept of the Garden Office,
Bureau de Jardin
—a beautiful office con-
structed among a person’s home garden or in a
private yard— launched just this past June. As
more people in this technological era turn to-
ward working at home, or in other words
, home office spaces that allow for greater
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