business elite canada
JUNE 2014
couple of small-town entre-
preneur’s focus on the heart
of the business through lead-
ership, people engagement
and service delivery.”
And to that end Ferguson
stresses the mutual benefit
of partnerships with local ab-
originals and First Nations
in the area. “We believe in
sharing with First Nations for
mutual benefit and with Mé-
tis associations as well. It’s
highly significant to be able
to create some capacity on
these reserves. I think it is a
long journey, but it is one that
is ready to happen and I think
the people in these commu-
nities have embraced the op-
portunities that are knocking
on their door. The First Na-
tions communities just don’t
want jobs, they would like to
have some key learnings and
some abilities to do things on
their own. I think we’re here
to help them benefit as well
as ourselves from a business
perspective, but also to teach
them what we do and hope-
fully someday they won’t
need us anymore and they’ll
hire us, which would be pret-
ty exciting.”
Redrock also actively pro-
vides hospitality at the family
level to its employees through
contributions to community
programs such as the Two
Wheel View Program. “One
of their objectives is to trans-
form kids lives from the seat
of a bike. So we sponsor their
“Earn a Bike” program. These
kids all across Calgary learn
about community steward-
ship and social responsibility,
as well as getting to go and
build their bikes. They’re all
donated bikes, and at the end
of it they earn their bikes,”
says Ferguson. “They get to