Redrock Camps - page 9

JUNE 2014
business elite canada
we’ll be able to retain the
people who are going to do
the work for us and help us
finish these projects on time
and on budget.”
According to Troy, at Re-
drock, “the relationships
we’ve developed with com-
panies like A-R Partners for
our accounting foundation,
Britco Structures to manu-
facture our high-end camps,
the Bank of Montreal for
helping understand our fi-
nancial environment, Results
Canada execution coaching
guidance, and legal brilliance
by McCarthy Tétrault LLP has
been very influential and in-
spiring. As we navigate the
complexities of brisk growth,
I’ve discovered that supplier
partnerships that are aligned
with our Core Values give
us strength and diversity to
win. From realistic practices
to stable strategy advice be-
hind the scenes, Redrock’s
key suppliers have helped a
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 10,11,12
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