business elite canada
stronger, sustainable community for the new
generation. “In 1942 Dawson Creek exploded
into the community it is now and in the mid-
50’s it was incorporated as a full-fledged city,”
shares Mayor Dale Bumstead who took the
time to chat with Business Elite Canada about
the city’s history, current endeavours and its
significance. Being born and bred in Dawson
Creek, Mayor Bumstead was the perfect can-
didate to lead the city to a new era of innova-
tion, and after the by-elections last Septem-
ber he became successful in doing just that. “I
love the experience of living and being a part
of the community. You learn as you go.” Today,
the city has over 13,000 residents, great in-
frastructure in place and is constantly striving
for newer innovations. “We want to keep that
pace going. Businesses are not a piece of pa-
per and neither are the people in the commu-
nity. We want to build a strong community.”
The proud British Columbian city is known for
its 3-highway links – including the famous Alas-
ka Highway - and rich agriculture, oil and gas,
tourism, mining and forestry sectors. Dawson
Creek has recently transformed from an agri-
cultural city to that driven by LNG, a phenom-
enon that is revolutionizing the world’s energy
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