City of Dawson Creek - page 9

business elite canada
The cost to build an LNG plant in British Co-
lumbia, shares Bumstead, is approximately $7
billion and the cost to get the gas out of the
ground, shipped and processed is around $50
billion to develop. “This investment into the
city, region, and the province is a revolution-
ary phenomenon, is not only a transformation
for the community but the entire province. We
want to guide the development and be strate-
gic about it. We want to make sure we build
a vibrant and healthy community for the next
40 years.” The initiatives the province is tak-
ing will drastically improve and expand world-
wide energy supplies and bring attention to
the need for more innovative, cost-effective,
methods for fuel accessibility.
As well as revolutionizing the natural gas sec-
tor, Dawson Creek is on track to become one
of the nation’s greenest cities, and will use the
Mayor Dale Bumstead
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