business elite canada
more accurate data but there’s a cost sav-
ings that can reach as much as 50 percent,
Glenn said. From oil and gas, mining and
utilities to precision agriculture and for-
estry, robotic aviation is poised to change
the way these and other industries keep a
close eye on their operations.
In 2013, the McKinsey Global Institute
identified 12 new technologies that would
“drive truly massive economical trans-
formations and disruptions” by the year
2025. ING’s work revolves around two on
the impactful list: advanced robotics and
autonomous and near-autonomous ve-
hicles. The 12 technologies are suggested
to have a potential economic impact worth
trillions of dollars, affecting everyone from
individuals to businesses to government.
Glenn’s own impact on the robotic avia-
tion industry has been substantial. Not
only has his company conducted enough
flights to circle the globe 81 times, but
Glenn is the founder of Unmanned Sys-
tems Canada, which provides a voice for
the Canadian unmanned systems commu-
nity. Established in 2002, the not-for-profit
organization uses education, advocacy and
the exchange of ideas and technologies to
facilitate the industry’s growth. Currently,
many in the industry are focused on en-
couraging regulation changes that would
allow commercial robotic aviation to fly be-
yond the vision line of sight.
His company continues on a path of inno-
vation, focusing on the commercial mar-
ket in multiple verticals. “Existing regula-
tions fortunately have allowed us to grow
the business to where it is today and to
continue to expand.” But big changes are
expected in the next decade with plans
to grow as a major player in the Drone-
as-a-Service (DaaS) market. That means
expanding their sales worldwide and ex-
tending their service offerings throughout
Canada and into the United States.
“The market has changed. It’s very hot
… it’s the Wild West,” Glenn said, “and if
I’m successful I’ve spent 19 years getting
ready for the overnight success.”
To learn more about ING Robotic Aviation,