SaskWater - page 6

business elite canada
JAN/FEB 2015
amounts of water along its length. The nature
of the area and the waterway meant that Sask-
Water had to deal with the Ministry of Fisheries
and Oceans, addressing all concerns from an
environmental perspective. Areas where water
fowl were nesting or staging had to be avoided
and there were also restrictions surrounding
the area’s rare and endangered vegetation.
“You’re always looking at how to best deal with
a project to come up with the least cost, most
effective long-term solution without impacting
the environment,” Jansen said. “We’ve always
taken the approach if you do sufficient work in
It’s a highlight … when you’ve
implemented and worked with
various projects all through
your career but never taken on
one of this magnitude and the
challenges that go along with
it. Now you’re implementing all
the tools you’ve developed over
your career.
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