SaskWater - page 8

business elite canada
JAN/FEB 2015
problem areas, and then addressing those is-
sues and getting the project back on track, has
been key to its success.
“It’s the largest project I’ve ever worked on.
I’m kind of proud to be involved with it,” Jan-
sen said. “It’s a highlight … when you’ve imple-
mented and worked with various projects all
through your career but never taken on one
of this magnitude and the challenges that go
along with it. Now you’re implementing all the
tools you’ve developed over your career.
“To be part of this is something you dream of
and I get the opportunity to live the dream.”
Gary Sears, Senior Project Supervisor, Major Projects; Tim Jansen, Manager, Major Projects; and
Sumith Kahanda, Senior Project Engineer on the Zelma East Project for SaskWater.
I think that’s why the likes
of the BHP Billitons of the
world are coming to us, be-
cause they see the services
we’ve provided to the other
entities … and we believe
they like that kind of ser-
vice delivery.
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