senger demand,” Quick said. “That rep-
resents about $5.2 trillion worth of work.
What we’re trying to do is make sure that
Canada gets its fair share of that.”
That’s one of the reasons why AIAC has
paid close attention to recommendations
coming out of recent industry-assessing
reports: two reviews led by former MP
David Emerson in late 2012 looking at Can-
ada’s aerospace and space industries and
a report from February 2013 on the lever-
aging of defence procurement byTom Jen-
kins, special adviser to Canada’s minister
of public works and government services.
Emerson’s report looks at the changing re-
alities of the industry and spells out two
areas critical to success: developing ad-
vanced technologies and securing sales
in the highly competitive global arena.
Though competitiveness will be driven by
private aerospace companies, public poli-
cies and programs will play a huge role in
“We’ve developed and we continue to develop pro
competitive within the global supply chain.” Jim
business elite canada
MAR/APR 2015