AIAC - page 9

velop technology for space exploration and ob-
servation,” Quick said. “As we open the North
here in Canada, there are going to be significant
opportunities for aerospace as well as space…
These are all the things we have our eye on in
the future.”
Over the last three years, AIAC’s membership
has grown to 120 members and represents
about 90 percent of the industry. That growth
has been fuelled by the association’s recent
transformation as it strives to represent all sec-
tors within the industry and all sizes of compa-
nies. In December 2013, AIAC announced the
creation of its first provincial entity — AIAC Pa-
cific. Aimed at promoting and developing aero-
space business in British Columbia, AIAC Pacific
helps the province’s aerospace industry access
national and international programs and has de-
veloped a strong relationship with the provincial
In its 2014 budget, the B.C. government an-
nounced a new $5-million, five-year program
designed to help develop a strong aerospace
sector within the province. It has partnered with
AIAC Pacific to deliver on that commitment by
MAR/APR 2015
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