business elite canada
By Cheryl Long
t’s not uncommon for residents of Mani-
toba’s Interlake-Eastern region to travel
hours for specialized medical proce-
dures. Though the area’s regional hospital
in Selkirk provides a full spectrum of health
services, more extensive tests such as an
MRI require a trip to larger facilities inWin-
nipeg or Brandon.
That’s why one of Manitoba’s largest capi-
tal construction projects in Selkirk is gar-
nering such positive attention throughout
the communities served by the Interlake-
Eastern Regional Health Authority. In the
spring of 2017, residents will be able to
step through the doors of the new Selkirk
Regional Health Centre.
"The new Selkirk hospital will bring expand-
ed, state-of-the-art health services to fami-
lies in Selkirk and the surrounding area,"
said Manitoba’s Minister of Health Sharon
Blady. "Not only will the hospital be nearly
twice the size of the old one, it will also