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There’s been a high level of community
support for the project, he added. “Ev-
erybody is excited about the hospital. The
framework is going up and you can just see
the people excited in town.” That support
also extends to private donations from Sel-
kirk residents who have helped to fund the
new MRI machine.
Along with the community and business
sector, excitement is also being gener-
ated among employees of the current
Selkirk hospital who are eagerly watching
the facility take shape. Dianne Mestdagh
is the project’s Equipment and Move Co-
ordinator and is responsible for oversee-
ing the move from the old to new facility.
That means planning the purchase of new
equipment, coordinating the transfer of
staff and equipment without jeopardizing
the community’s health care, and ensur-
ing that employees are trained in the new
systems that are part of the more modern
health-care centre.
“We’re not only planning for today, but we’re planning together with our
community partners into the future as well.”
Ron Van Denakker, CEO, Interlake-Eastern RHA