ian Contemporary Film Festival (ICFF) on
June 17 and offers an enlightening, if not
startling, look at an event that isn’t a com-
monly known part of Canadian history.
A longer version of the documentary is
available at each of the CIBPA’s 10 chapters
and at the Canadian Museum for Human
Rights in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Efforts are
currently underway to have the film broad-
cast on television and made available to
Canadian schools.
“…men were taken (from their homes) in
the middle of the night without any indica-
tion of where they were going or how long
they were going to be away.Their bank ac-
counts were frozen so that the wives that
were left behind and the children couldn’t
take money out of the bank to buy bread;
“We also work with community outreach programs such as the Vitanova Foundation and
Caritas to help financially support people aiming to further their education. More recently,
the CIBPAmade contributions to the Marcus CirilloTrust through theTrue Patriot Love
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