young age — it says: ‘with all its rights,
privileges and obligations’. So citizenship
and education come with benefits as well
as requirements to be good corporate citi-
zens,” Sacco concluded.
“We tell our students that the money we
give them isn’t simply a gift without any
strings. Our expectations are that when
they become successful, they pay it back
to another student,” he added.
The CIBPA has always had a good relation-
ship with different levels of government,
and has been routinely involved in conver-
sations surrounding immigration and re-
lated issues. “With the recent change in
federal government, the CIBPA is hoping
to maintain those channels of communica-
tion and discuss efforts to make the im-
migration process smoother for Italians
interested in coming to Canada,”Sacco ex-
To learn more about the CIBPA, or to find
out how to view the Piazza Petawawa doc-
umentary, visit
business elite canada