ers’ needs and the latest addition is Soil-
mec, which manufactures foundation and
drilling equipment. ESS is now the sole
Soilmec dealer in Ontario, Willis said.
One of the newest and most exciting proj-
ects to date is the launch of the company’s
online parts ordering system, a challenge
in an industry that is still somewhat old-
fashioned. “It’s going to take time before
it starts gaining traction … they don’t often
use computers to do any of this. They still
use the phone and they still call you and
come into office and say, I need this and
this,” Willis explained. Implementing the
online system meant inputting machine
and parts numbers, some dating back to
machines built in the 1960s. The E-Parts
Store allows users to create a list of ma-
chines for future use, search for parts, re-
“It’s going to take time before it starts gaining traction … they don’t often use computers
to do any of this. They still use the phone and they still call you and come into office and
say, I need this and this.” Jodie Willis, Communications & Property Manager.
business elite canada