business elite canada
APRIL 2016
Now with a staff base of about 35, with
numbers reaching as high as 50 during
peak construction periods, the company
prides itself on the talent and aptitude of
its people.
“The current economic conditions are not
as ideal as they were in 2010, but I don’t
think they’ve presented us with anything
insurmountable,” Gray said. Despite this,
Luczka admits that “it’s not the gravy train
we were on”.
Even in the face of economic troubles,
Baydo has not endured as much as some
other companies. Back in 2010, there were
labour shortages, but the sales were at a
record high. The present situation is the
complete opposite.
“The challenges of the sales side right
now is completely balanced out by the
gains that we’re making on the construc-
tion side because there’s no more labour
shortages in Saskatchewan,” Luczka said.
Furthermore, Saskatoon is in the middle of
an influx of migrants — people who were
formerly employed by the oil industries of
Alberta are turning to Saskatoon for em-
ployment. Being the largest city in the
province, Saskatoon serves as a centre for
job opportunities. Through this migration,
Baydo is seeing increased sales, making