Baydo Development Corporation - page 9

APRIL 2016
business elite canada
it a beneficial time to be doing business in
“Saskatoon as a city is still growing,” Lucz-
ka said. Home to a diverse economic base
of everything from agricul-
ture and potash mining to
uranium and oil, Luczka add-
ed that the city is far from
being a one-trick pony. Ad-
ditionally, the Saskatchewan
government is very support-
ive of business.
In regards to current proj-
ects, “We’ve got lots on
the go,” Luczka said with a
chuckle. With 440 units and 25,000 square
feet of commercial space in various stages
of planning, Baydo is contributing a stag-
gering amount to development and con-
struction in Saskatoon.
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