INBF Canada - page 9

levels with their posing, stage presenta-
tion, tips on what the judges are looking
for and what to expect on show day. Pho-
tographers are available during the show
to capture the culmination of each com-
petitor’s efforts, which
for some can be life-
“A lot of these athletes come from major
transformation, like women who’ve lost
100 pounds to one guy who has one pros-
thetic leg who competes. We have physi-
cally challenged athletes, we’ve got dads
who were in industry and
trade for 20 years, moms who
take care of the home and
kids, and they just want to be
inspired to live a healthy life-
style and decide to compete
as a means of a goal to reach
for,” Park said. “It gets pretty
emotional with people. That’s
where the inspiration of them
inspiring other people attracts
more people to want to come
and compete.”
For Park and the INBF Canada
team, seeing people trans-
form their lives is the reward. “We have a
team of 18 people and all of us have simi-
lar values. They do it because they love it;
we have a passion for this. That’s why we
do what we do.”
INBF Canada is dedicated to growing the
natural bodybuilding and fitness move-
ment, Park said. For more information
about the benefits of natural bodybuilding
and fitness or to learn how to sign up to
compete for an upcoming competition or
contest prep camp, visit
business elite canada
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