The second challenge is innovation. “We
need to bring new innovation, significant
innovation, every year,” Houle said. In this
line of work, competition has a global ex-
tent and staying competitive means be-
ing innovative. The M.I. Lab was created
for research and development. “We have
dedicated people looking into implement-
ing different technologies in our product
portfolio… Our M.I. Lab is in direct con-
nection with our customers and with
the engineering team to look at different
technology that could be available for the
next generation of parts. That kind of ser-
vice brings us great opportunities where
we are the only ones to be considered for
product development,” Houle said. Work
done in the lab was recently awarded the
prestigious ADRIQ-RCTi Innovation Prize.
The biggest trend in the automobile in-
dustry is the shift towards producing eco-
friendly cars that require lightweight parts.
With the amount of research that takes
place in the M.I. Lab, Houle is certain that
the company can find ways to bring in new
technology in vehicle sealing — the part of
a car the company specifically specializes
Latest M.I.
JUNE 2016
business elite canada