Wycliffe Bible Translators - page 3

By Rajitha Sivakumaran
n the 14th century, an English theologian by the name of
John Wycliffe began translating the Bible from Latin to
English — his mission being increased accessibility to the
teachings of the Christian faith for every literate person. Now,
more than 600 years later, that is the mandate of Wycliffe Bi-
ble Translators of Canada. A participating organization of the
Wycliffe Global Alliance (WGA) since 1968, this non-profit or-
ganization continually demonstrates the power of the written
word by using Scripture translation, mother tongue literacy
and education to build strong communities globally.
There are approximately 7,000 documented languages spo-
ken in the world today, but a fully translated Bible exists for
only about 550 of these languages. Presently, the Alliance is
MARCH 2016
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