Wycliffe Bible Translators - page 7

phors, the figures of speech that resonate
with us and help define us — that’s the
heart language”.
Wycliffe does not limit itself to paper trans-
lations, particularly when it comes to serv-
ing those with impaired hearing. Although
the American Sign Language serves as
the predominant voice of the deaf in North
America, there are an estimated 400 varia-
tions of sign languages worldwide. In order
to cater to the needs of deaf individuals,
the organization has partnered with Deaf
Opportunity Outreach International and
“The impact of Bible translation is extremely far-reaching and gets at the foundational
areas within the culture and that’s the kind of thing we get really excited about — that’s
our goal.” Roy Eyre, President of Wycliffe Canada
MARCH 2016
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