PhysioExtra - page 9

he says. PhysioExtra’s headquarters, in
particular, showcases paintings from vari-
ous Quebec artists. This artistic approach
is part of the company’s growth strategy.
Patients like what they see when they
walk through the doors. This coupled with
investments towards the quality of treat-
ments and level of services has been put-
ting PhysioExtra’s name on the map for a
few years now.
Internal restructuring has allowed the
company to come out stronger than ever.
The next four months will add two more
branches to the PhysioExtra family, bring-
ing with them more employment opportu-
nities and greater accessibility for patients.
Unfortunately, one of the challenges of the
industry centres on quality, according to
Racine. “New therapies are fronting and
some without proper training. The popula-
tion is at risk of being treated without the
knowledge if it is a safe practice or not,” he
said, adding that at PhysioExtra, staff are
continuously invested in R&D. Evidence-
based medicine and new responsibilities
increase the level of confidence the popu-
lation gives physiotherapists and the im-
portance of seeking health benefits pro-
vided from a physiotherapist.
“New therapies are fronting and some without proper training. The population
is at risk of being treated without the knowledge if it is a safe practice or not.”
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