Athabasca Catering - page 4

A veteran in the hospitality industry, Cole
began his career as a chef and progressed
through the years working for many large,
international hotel chains and remote site
service companies with a decade-long ser-
vice in the Royal Air Force strewn in there
along the way. Despite having been with
ACLP for only a couple of months, Cole
has big plans.
“I’m bringing my corporate knowledge and
my international experience to this amaz-
ing, First Nations company with a vision of
driving steady, sustainable growth into the
future,” Cole said.
In real estate, location sells, but this is
something that has been contributing to
ACLP’s success for over 20 years. Being
First Nations-owned, the company is lo-
cated on traditional treaty lands. Incoming
companies entering these areas for busi-
ness need a locally situated enterprise to
service their workforce. The result is two
perfectly fitted puzzle pieces; both parties
benefit using what Cole called an indus-
try-recognised business model, whereby
work is permitted on traditional lands if
the arriving company agrees to use local
resources and contribute to improving the
lives of residents living in affected com-
munities. So location has created a spe-
cialized service niche for the company.
But rather than settling comfortably in this
niche, Cole actually plans to drive the com-
pany out and beyond and compete on a
level playing field with the rest of the com-
panies out there.
“Taking the company outward and ex-
business elite canada
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