panding it outside of Saskatchewan is my
biggest strategy in the long term,” Cole
said. An aggressive expansion into Mani-
toba, Ontario and west into Alberta and
the Northwest Territories in the upcoming
years is on his to-do list. The second thing
will be to incorporate a more retail-focused
offering while continuing to embrace the
very latest technology platforms.The move
is a smart one, especially when consider-
ing the downturn the resource industry is
presently facing.
Cole has spent the vast majority of his ca-
reer working for very large corporations.
“The way the smaller companies do busi-
ness here in Canada is not at that level, but
this particular company will be at that level
very soon, where we can stand toe to toe
and remove those differentiators between
us and the larger companies,” Cole said.
The challenge is that ACLP is not well ad-
vertised. Before he came to work for the
company, Cole had not even heard of it.
“They’re not great at advertising, but I
“I’m bringing my corporate knowledge and my international experience to this
amazing First Nations company with a vision of driving steady, sustainable
growth into the future.” Alan Cole, managing director
business elite canada