work to align those goals.”
Another intersection between educational
institutions and the business community
can be found in applied research. CICan
has helped guide colleges and institutes
to an “exponential increase” in applied re-
search activity, with corresponding infra-
structure changes through new sources
of funding, and greater diversity in the
research. “Today’s college and institute
applied research involves key linkages to
local business, industry, community part-
ners as well as government,” says Amyot.
“We don’t do pure research, but we an-
swer to the needs of the business sector,”
says Amyot. “They knock on the door of
the college and ask for assistance with
any number of issues, such as making a
product in a more efficient way, or faster,
or lighter, cheaper, or more environmental-
ly friendly. The college faculty works with
the students and finds a solution.”
The biggest advantage for the company
is that the IP (Intellectual Property) leaves
with the company, which is why it’s such
an attractive prospect for business –and
why there are so many companies ap-
proaching college and institutes. Just last
year, colleges and institutes entered part-
Nova Scotia Community College
business elite canada