nerships with close to 7,000 companies
and community organizations across the
country. Colleges and institutes are ideal
partners for local industry in the develop-
ment and improvement of new products
and services. They are able to bridge the
gap between commercialization and re-
search, allowing many SMEs and Micro
Enterprises to get their businesses started
in a cost-effective manner.
CICan’s members also have about 400
specialized research centres and labs serv-
ing companies of all sizes, from multi-
nationals to Micro Enterprises. “This is a
significant contribution to the economic
development of the communities where
they work. It helps create jobs, bring new
products to the marketplace, and improve
production methods and cost savings for
businesses,” says Amyot. For its part, CI-
Can works closely with the federal gov-
ernment and its granting agencies for
much-needed funding to meet the grow-
ing innovation demand and to accommo-
date the increasing number of companies
looking to work with colleges and insti-
tutes. “Our members reach Canadians all
over the country,” says Amyot of CICan’s
presence. “They are the fundamental driv-
ers of inclusive innovation, and economic
Nova Scotia Community College
business elite canada