VRCA - page 11

it offers its members the BCCA Employee
Benefits Plan that is tailored specifically
for construction companies, and numer-
ous other affinity partners.
“As the industry’s one-stop-shop for pro-
grams and services, we help members
save time so they can focus on what they
do best.” adds Famulak.
VRCA is helping the industry evolve so
that it can build faster, greener and more
productively than ever before. It is chang-
ing perceptions, dispelling myths and
helping to resolve persistent problems.
And it is promoting construction as a cool
industry to work in. It has support from
inside and outside the industry, possesses
direct lines into local and national innova-
tion champions as well as thought leaders
in the UK, Europe and US including the
World Economic Forum.
Change is not easy. It takes courage, time
and effort. VRCA, through its engaged
board, passionate staff, diverse member
base and stakeholder network is leading
the charge.
The future starts now.
Fiona with members.
business elite canada
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