bour market will be put to the test over
the next decade, as the need to resource
major projects will put a strain on the avail-
able local workforce. Retirements are
expected to draw 22 per cent of the cur-
rent labour force or an estimated 40,000
workers from the province’s construction
industry over the next 10 years, creating a
significant skills vacuum that will require
innovative and proactive planning to suc-
cessfully navigate.
VRCA plans to do everything in its power
to help members and future members en-
sure knowledge transfer takes place on
site and in the workplace and is supple-
mented by appropriate training and edu-
cation. The continued evolution of its edu-
cation program will leverage current and
new educational partners where appropri-
ate, so that it resonates with and supports
the various demographics in the industry
from an apprentice to a C-Suite executive.
It also includes the continued roll-out of
education designed specifically for public
sector employees. Learning opportunities
such as VRCA’s annual Construction Lead-
ership Forum for middle-managers, and
its recently launched Infrastructure Mas-
terclass for public sector employees will
therefore continue the evolution, as will
the introduction to members of interna-
tional thought leaders like the BIM Acad-
emy from the UK.
Fiona with current Chair, Board of Directors, Graham Sibbald.
business elite canada