members. Categories included forest-
ry, safety, transportation, environmental
stewardship and energy services. The first
focus was a forestry division that centres
on logging, reforestation, sustainable for-
est projects, wood waste exporting and
forest management. Forestry is a main-
stay of the Gitxsan, says Connors, “and a
solid play since they know it best.”
GDC also identified and filled a gap in the
safety services field. GDC flagged signifi-
cant numbers of projects that needed em-
ployees for jobs such Safety Monitoring,
Traffic Management, Medical Services,
and Security—all position that the Gitxsan
have occupied. “These are highly-valued
roles in ensuring the safety and well-be-
ing of motorists, pedestrians, fellow staff,
contractors and visitors on a day to day ba-
sis,” says Connors.
In two short years, Gitxsan Safety Inc. has
done over $7 million in business—a vol-
ume of business that is almost unheard
of. GDC is now seen as the go-to pilot ve-
hicle company from Kelowna to Vancou-
ver. GDC cars are spotted, escorting trucks
with large loads, convoys of large vehicles,
guide motorists through construction sites
all over the west coast for major infrastruc-
ture projects.
GDC recently helped deliver General Elec-
tric’s $400-million Tumbler Ridge Wind
Farm, the biggest in B.C., coordinating and
staffing over 700 loads, the largest loads
ever to hit the roads in B.C.
BC SafetyLink, a division within Gitxsan
Safety Services Inc., focuses on advanced
work alone monitoring and journey man
MARCH 2017
business elite canada