gina, Westridge Construction Ltd, LS Security
Systems, Loraas Disposal, Cindercrete Prod-
ucts Ltd., Sherwood Co-op, and The Mosiac
Company. Towers says the community out-
reach has been instrumental in the Samari-
tan Project, as have donations from the pub-
lic, municipal grants, and provincial funding
in partnership with the Federal government.
"Souls Harbour Rescue Mission has been mak-
ing an incredible difference in our community
for nearly 30 years. Supportive housing is an
area of continual need in Regina, Samaritan
Place will be a life-changing development for
those in need of supportive programming,"
says Michael Fougere, Mayor of Regina.
For Towers and the SHRM community, the Sa-
maritan Project will enable them to continue
to provide life-changing support to the Regina
community. The Samaritan Project will help
SHRM to continue providing stable living to
those in need; to find employment, purchase
a bed and perhaps another change of clothes.
“That process could take a few years but to
watch that transformation in their lives has
impacted my life forever,” says Towers.