first- generation fiber sensing which
used standard telecommunications
fiber optics. Hifi began using the tech-
nology on downhole oil and gas wells,
and have proven the robustness of the
technology through over 1,000 wells
successfully completed. Steve Koles,
President and CEO of Hifi, came to the
team in 2014 bringing over 20 years of
operational and executive experience
in technology companies.
In 2014, both Cenovus and Enbridge
made an equity investment into the
company and at that time, Hifi made
a strategic change to focus on pipe-
lines with preventative pipeline leak
detection. Today, Hifi has almost 30
staff, including high end electrical and
software engineers with significant
energy experience, almost 50 patents,
and has pipeline deployments across
North America with major pipeline
operators including Enbridge, Trans-
Canada, Kinder Morgan / TransMoun-
tain, Plains MidStream, ExxonMobil
and Husky. A number of international
deployment projects are also planned.