Hifi is ready to showcase its HDS technol-
ogy performance as indeed world class, can
outperform yet complement other alterna-
tives and traditional systems, and is ultimately
ready to assist the industry in the mission criti-
cal path to improved pipeline safety
“Hifi has been included in a significant number
of head-to-head performance comparisons to
other technologies,” says Koles. “What differ-
entiates HDS is its fully distributed nature
optimized for long distances, it’s extremely high
sensitivity, and its high alarm accuracy with the integra-
tion of acoustics, temperature and vibration/strain.”
A test conduced by C-CORE proved the Hifi HDS system success-
fully detected all leaks generated during this testing program, with
no false positives in real time—in other words, 100 per cent accuracy.
“We believe HDS can help the industry continue to improve safety,
and convince all stakeholders that more is being done in terms of
investments in new innovation to support this safety.”
A lot of other people believe in Hifi, too. Not only endorsed by the
biggest players in oil and gas, Hifi has been caught the attention of the
Ministry of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada,