grass to fixing and selling used cars. He
cautions those considering starting their
own business to know what they are
undertaking. “You shouldn’t start your
own business just because you don’t like
having a boss. In starting my own busi-
ness, I’ve had to answer to more people
than ever before. If you’re looking to start
a business, be prepared to be account-
able to others.”
This accountability has ultimately sepa-
rated Midlite from its peers. Buksa felt
like his vision for Midlite was materializ-
ing when he noticed clients really listen-
ing to their opinions, suggestions, and
recommendations. “When they started
treating us as partners, we started seeing
ourselves as leaders in our field—that
was (and is) something to be proud of.
When clients start to see you as equals,
that’s a big moment.”
Midlite has not been immune to the ups
and downs of the economy, and has
survived downturns by overdelivering.
“We have strong stomachs for this kind
of thing,” says Buksa. “Working for the
region’s largest energy companies in the
oilsands has meant doing things differ-
ently. We’re facing the same challenges
as every company is in Alberta. I try to
focus on the big picture, be thankful for
the times of great opportunity when so
many people prosper, and the fact that
we’re part of a cycle. We continue to