Midlite Powerline Construction - page 9

in this realm, Midlite’s safety initiatives
were recognized by the 2017 Outstand-
ing Safety Culture Award from the Fort
McMurray Construction Association.
“We’re in a unique position. We do a high-
risk job in a very safety-oriented environ-
ment. Our clients have highly disciplined
safety programs and they expect a lot
from every contractor. We’ve always
embraced the strict safety culture of the
oilsands as our own. We’ve invested in it
and made it our own. It’s become one of
the things that sets us apart in our indus-
Going forward, Midlite Construction will
continue to focus on what has gotten the
team this far. “It’s about the relationships
we’ve built around being there for our
clients,” says Buksa. “They’re long lasting
relationships and they become hard to
ignore. You’ll notice that the power only
seems to go out in the worst possible
weather conditions—it’s almost always a
tough situation. That’s when we have to
show up in full force—power is critical for
them. We’ve been showing up now for
clients for over 30 years now.”
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