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watt generators that will power the entire plant        exceed stringent Hamilton Harbour Remedial Action

        during any brown-outs,” says Grice. “In the future,     Plan targets.”
        we may see more power surges and with this

        upgrade we will be able to run the entire facility      “Overtime, the reduction of solids and phosphorus

        with backup power in the future—it's at the heart of    in our wastewater effluent is going to have a huge
        everything.”                                            impact in helping to rejuvenate Hamilton harbour

                                                                and ultimately delisting it as an area of concern in
                TERTIARY TREATMENT                              the future,” says Grice.


                                                                           ECONOMIC IMPACT

        The third project—the flagship project that has the

        biggest benefit to the clean harbour program—is the     As the largest port in Ontario, the Hamilton Harbour

        installation of our tertiary treatment system. “We      contributes an astonishing $6 billion in economic
        are currently classified as a secondary treatment       activity and 38,000 jobs in Ontario, not to mention

        facility,” says Grice, “The addition of a tertiary      it is one of the most bio-diverse, rich areas in

        treatment process will allow the plant to meet and      Canada. Its environmental stewardship is a vital

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