Page 6 - Syncrude
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“Our aim is to support Aboriginal communities Mildred Lake Extension
through relationship-building and formal agree-
ments that are aligned with our mutual interests, Syncrude is proposing to extend the footprint of the
mitigate concerns, provide benefit to affected com- Mildred Lake North Mine operation to sustain Syn-
munities, and are in accord with Canadian law,” says crude’s production of high-quality crude oil. Called
Syncrude. “Toward this, our Aboriginal Relations the Mildred Lake Extension Project (MLX), it would
policy clearly defines our engagement principles, commence production around 2023-2024, pending
with a focus on sharing opportunities through regulatory approval.
employment, business development, community-
guided investment, effective engagement and In January, 2019, the Mikisew Cree First Nation and
consultation, and environmental programs.” Syncrude have ratified an agreement on oil
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