Page 3 - Pitt Meadows Plumbing
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By Anna Guy Canada’s most trusted haven’t yourself. And if you live
mechanical contracting firms, anywhere on the West coast of
itt Meadows Plumbing working on some of the most Canada, you will recognize the
(PMP) is as synony- high-profile projects in the high-profile projects on which
Pmous with community regions in which is operates. the PMP team has worked.
and family values as it is for While the trajectory of the For over 40 years, PMP has
decades of innovative mechan- company’s success has taken collaborated on a variety of
ical contracting. the team to places Steve and projects from residential to
Stewart never originally imag- educational buildings, high-
A reputation like this doesn’t ined, the company nucleus rises to industrial warehouses.
grow overnight, rather it devel- remains strong—family, knowl- Think Emily Carr University of
ops over years of consistency edge, innovation, passion, and Art and Design, the Penticton
and treating both clients and integrity. Regional Hospital, and the Arc
employees right. What started in downtown Vancouver, to
out in 1979 by brothers Steve If you live in the Pitt Meadows/ name a few.
and Stewart Robinson as a Maple Ridge, BC, area, you
local plumbing company has probably know someone who “Although the company has
flourished into one of Western has worked for PMP, if you gone through various itera-