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PMP Supports Union Gospel mission meals for the day
PMP 2018 Value Award Winners
it, then simply install on site, grow and stay ahead of the benefits plan, the family days,
and slot those things up from curve and best practises.” and corporate retreats. It’s a
one to one.” testament to the team that 40
What better way to celebrate years is just the beginning. For
With a proud foundational 40 years in the community PMP, each project is bigger
history, PMP has its sites set on than by inviting everyone over than the last. Now transition-
the future. In conjunction with for an open house? In the fall ing to its second-generation
Pacific Vocational College and of 2019, the company will hold of leadership with Matthew
the Industry Training Author- a community-wide celebration Robinson, Steve’s son, Zelinksi
ity, prospective tradesmen to commemorate this impor- believes being nimble and able
and women can complete a tant milestone. As community to read (and, at times, dictate)
full apprentice program with members view the PMP prem- industry trends will keep PMP
PMP—there is a classroom in its ises on its 40 anniversary, it is on the forefront of the industry.
shop, and the instructors come expected that many will reflect
do classes there. “Part of the on the role the team has played
reason we run our own school,” in the area. How employees
says Zelinksi, “is to continue to receive a full pension, a full