Page 9 - PGL Environmental Consultants
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PGL Employees at their corporate retreat in
Harrison Hot Springs (Photo Credit – PGL)
PGL Employees at their corporate retreat in Whistler, hiking a glacier (Photo Credit – PGL)
park so that we can include interpretive components of the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station in
without adversely affecting the wildlife values,” Bowmanville.
Gaherty says.
“A lot of work had to be done to characterize the soils
Over in Ontario, PGL is working for a company in for the upgrade that were primarily, as I understand
Toronto that’s purchasing a warehouse building to it, the result of lessons that were learned from the
be turned into a show room. It had been built on a Fukushima problems,” says Gaherty, referring to the
site next to an old facility that supplied dry-cleaning earthquake and subsequent tsunami that disabled
chemicals. the power supply and cooling of three Fukushima
Daiichi reactors in Japan, causing a nuclear accident
“There’s a migration that’s contamination onto the in March 2011.
property from that, so we’ve been retained by the
owners who are buying it to do some work that will When it comes time for PGL Environmental
make sure it doesn’t affect the use of the site and Consultants Ltd. to communicate the result of
that satisfies their lenders on the environmental reviews or assessments to a client communication
risk,” Gaherty explains. is crucial.
Also in Ontario is PGL’s work on the refurbishment “One of the biggest challenges we face is trying to
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