Page 4 - Corner Brook Long Term Care Home
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                                                                                                                                                                              NEWFOUNDL AND LABRADOR' S
                                                                                                                                                                              P IP E  T R A D E S U N IO N

        worked on the facility.  Ball said the province has     Marco Services as the builder, and G.J. Cahill as the

        worked on the $120-million project with community       service provider, from Newfoundland and Labrador.
        partners and it has been delivered on time and on

        budget.                                                 “We are honoured to have been selected as the
                                                                preferred proponent to deliver a long-awaited

        “We are happy to see this project reach this            and much-needed long-term-care facility in the

        significant milestone,” Steve Crocker, Minister of      community of Corner Brook,” Brian Budden,
                                                                                                                                                                                      TO OUR HIGHLY SKILLED MEMBERS
        Transportation and Works, said in a statement.          president and CEO of Plenary Group, said in a
                                                                                                                                                                                      &  O U R  P A R TN ER  C O N TR A CTO R S
        “During construction, the percentage of workers         statement.                                                     FOR THE FIRST-CLASS WORK PERFORMED AT

        from Newfoundland and Labrador was consistently
        around 90 per cent.”                                    “We look forward to … what we know will                        THE CORNER BROOK LONG TERM CARE HOME

                                                                be a productive, long-term relationship with

        The responsibility of overseeing the construction,      Newfoundland and Labrador.”
                                                                                                                               ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL PROJECT DELIVERED!
        design, financing and maintenance of the facility lies

        with Corner Brook Care Partnership. Led by Plenary      The Western Regional Health Authority began to
        Group, it includes Montgomery Sisam Architects,         operate the facility and the 30-year service                   ROBERT FIANDER                                                                    BRUCE POWER
                                                                                                                               BUSINESS MANAGER                                                                  BUSINESS AGENT

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