Page 4 - Réseau Express Métropolitain (REM)
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REM, for example, will be the deepest underground A little background: Until the arrival of the machine,
station in Canada. the construction of the metro had been carried out
by drilling and blasting. “This is the first time that
With construction occurring in such densely a TBM of this type has been used in the Province
populated areas, Montrealers are highly anticipating of Quebec, capable of both digging the rock and
their new modes of transport. The REM project has assembling the tunnel,” says Nadeau.
done a great job at keeping citizens informed of
its progress and also engaging them as much as People were invited to send in suggestions to
possible in the project. A great example of this was name the machine. After receiving more than 1,400
the naming of the REM Tunneling Boring Machine. proposals, the winning suggestion was “Alice”,
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