Page 11 - City of Calgary’s Crowchild Trail Upgrades Project
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“From the corridor study to
coordinating with the residences
and businesses as we’re doing
night work literally right outside
their doors, Councillors were
involved, providing daily updates
on the website, which was a key
piece in keeping the community
in the loop when we’re closing
ramps at different times and
traffic switches.”
- Jeff Baird, Senior Transportation Engineer
of the Crowchild Trail Upgrades project.
and brought it to the end goal," he says. Baird also multiple tactics which was a key piece in keeping
credits Associated Engineering, WSP Global Inc. communities in the loop while closing ramps at
and ISL Engineering and Land Services for their different times or switching traffic configurations."
innovative design of the project's bridges. Baird says their near real-time communication
strategy with Calgarians stands as a significant win
COMMUNICATING for the project.
TO PROJECT'S SUCCESS "People are happy with the traffic flow and
impressed by how the project came together," Baird
Baird describes The City's communication with the says. "From the community associations to the
public about the project as "over the top" from the commuters, city councillors and area businesses, it's
start compared to past infrastructure projects in been nice to hear from the public that it's been well
Calgary. "From the corridor study to coordinating received and that the benefits of the upgrades are
with the residents and businesses as we're being realized."
doing night work right outside their doors," says
Baird. "The team provided regular updates using
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