Page 6 - Helmet To Hardhats
P. 6

and it’s being extended to non-bargaining union

        apprenticeship systems for contractors that have a

        need for administrative staff, planners, schedulers
        and security.

        “Sometimes a veteran will tell us, ‘I’m getting out,                                                                                                         SAFETY FIRST

        but I don’t want to be a construction worker.’ Their

        training in the military was in administration or
                                                                                                                                                             “Unionized contractors serving
        logistics or scheduling or planning. Construction
                                                                                                                                                                   the construction users of
        employers require all those categories, besides their
        tradespeople,” explains Maloney. “We’ve expanded                                                                                                      Sarnia/Lambton and Ontario”

        the program to allow our registered employers to

        post those types of opportunities.”

        Maloney adds the program is doing quite well, with
                                                                                                                                                          Sarnia Construction Association
        the help of Veterans Affairs Canada, the Ontario

        government, and the unionized construction sector

        in Canada.                                                    Joe Maloney, Founder & National Executive Director                       Electrical Contractors Association of Sarnia

                                                                     “It’s a very sad state of affairs in                                        General Contractors Association of Sarnia

                                                                     Canada that there’s a very high

                                                                  percentage of homeless veterans in                                         Mechanical Contractors Association of Sarnia

                                       IUBAC IS                         the homeless community.”
                                        IUBAC IS
                                   PROUD TO HELP                     —Joe Maloney, founder and national                                                 954 Upper Canada Drive Sarnia, Ontario N7T 7J4
                                   PROUD TO HELP
                                  MILITARY SERVICE                executive director of Helmets to Hardhats
                                  MILITARY SERVICE
                               MEMBERS TRANSITION                                                                                                                    
                               MEMBERS TRANSITION
                                    TO CAREERS IN
                                    TO CAREERS IN
                                                                It’s free for veterans and employers to register

                                                                with Helmets for Hardhats, which they can do

                                                                on The website, which

                                                                is updated regularly, includes the newest job

                                                                opportunities and links to its job bank to connect

                           BACWEB.ORG                           career seekers and employers.

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