Page 5 - City of Lethbridge - Legacy Park
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the contributions of past, current and future three ponds, wetlands, and a running creek through
community builders rather than naming it after a the property. An outdoor boardwalk provides access
single person or event in the City’s history. to a wetland . For warmer months, multiple sports
courts will entice people to come visit, including
“The park itself was always viewed as being basketball, tennis, pickle ball and an outdoor
planned and designed by the community, for the challenge course, where people can come down and
community and included as many things as could fit challenges their dexterity, flexibility, and fitness. The
in it,” says Ellis. Park also includes a brand-new skate park for the
City’s growing skateboarding fans.
Located at 400 Blackwolf Blvd N, north of
We are thankful to be
Uplands, the $24 million park will be a jewel of the Two major attractions in the Park are the outlook
a part of Lethbridge’s
largest park develop-
City’s crown upon full completion in 2021. With and amphitheatre, where visitors get a great view of
ment, Legacy Park, and
construction ongoing in stages, residents are the park and where future festivals and events will
proud to be serving
already enjoying the vast amenities at the park. be hosted. This area looks onto one of the ponds
Lethbridge and West-
ern Canada for over 18
as well as the sledding hill. “The park has something
403-328-5882 years.
Some of the natural elements of the Park include for most everyone, and a few firsts for offerings in
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