Page 4 - Hydro Québec - Romaine Complex
P. 4
Photo Hydro-Québec
Côte-Nord region, host community of the project. supporting conversion in other areas (industrial
The Romaine complex will create clean, reliable, facilities, greenhouses, off-grid systems). With this
and renewable energy will be available to markets plan, we forecast a 6.9 TWh growth in electricity use
outside Quebec, aligning with the Québec over 10 years,” says Bouchard.
government’s 2030 Plan for a Green Economy, a
policy framework for electrification and the fight ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP
against climate change.
Hydro-Québec created an Environment Department
“The plan covers converting buildings to electricity, some 40 years ago, following the launch of the La
reinforcing transportation electrification and Grande complex project. “Since then, we conducted
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